About me
My name is John Ishee and my mantra is something like this: Love what you do and it never gets old. I was born, raised and live in Beaumont, Texas. I graduated from Lamar University with a B.S. in Criminal Justice and an Associates Degree in Law Enforcement. I worked as a police officer from 1983 to 2003 in Beaumont. I am a married father of three adult children and have been married to my wonderful wife for 31 years. I love alpine settings and mountains, especially with snow on top. I love to backpack when I get the chance and fly fish. Scuba diving is also something I have done since 1982. As you can see from my images I have photographed many things in Southeast Texas and the Golden Triangle area. When I started doing photography, full-time about four years ago, like many people I just wanted better vacation pictures. So, I immersed myself into the field of photography with a zest to learn as much as I could. Little did I know I started a journey that led me to my calling and is now my profession of choice. It's my passion. I don’t just photograph subjects or landscapes, I photograph feelings. Photographs give us feelings and a mood when you see it. It’s the best way to describe my approach to photography. I emotionally wrestle with every session. Assuming perfection is possible, I want to wring it out of every image. As any good photographer will tell you, you must see the shot before you take it. I spend a lot of time just looking as I am taking pictures. I want my photography to reflect my personality-fun, relaxed, jovial and sometimes dramatic. I seriously enjoy my high school senior sessions (if you have shot with me you totally get it), family sessions, business head shots, and real estate photography. I consider myself more of a candid photographer. I love the look of outside natural light photography but I am equally as experienced with studio lights as well. Proper lighting can bring excellent drama to a photograph. Branching off from this I got into landscape photography also. Doing all of this with a creative imagination and sometimes carefully planned spontaneity , I create images that are genuine, energetic, inviting, dramatic and fun. I love a good high five.
Visualization is the single most important factor in photography.